
The news reports say that this is the biggest snowfall in England in 15 years, and the coldest winter in just as long, so I guess I picked the right year to come to England!
The snow started as a flurry mid-afternoon yesterday, and got really heavy late in the evening. Not long after I got back from Emmanuel College at 10PM, I saw camera flashes going off outside my window. I looked out, and saw clusters of students standing in the snow, making snowballs, taking pictures of each other, and generally having a good time. So I got dressed, and met up with the rest of my stairwell in the lobby downstairs. And then we went and played in the snow.
There were snowball battles, a few snow angels (not many, since few Cambridge students have the necessary attire to comfortably lie down in the snow) and a variety of attempts at building a snowman. The snow is large flakes, damp and fluffy, so it’s hard to pack into a good ball. Fortunately, that means that snowballs are fairly harmless, and falling in the snow is like landing on a mattress. At first, there were only twenty or so people playing in the snow, but people gradually joined the fun, as they heard the shouting and got curious, or arrived home from other places. Well over a hundred frolicked in the snow and celebrated the real beginning of winter.
There’s been a series of large snowpeople appearing on the Paddock, and then falling over or getting rebuilt into larger snowpeople. The master has offered £20 to the best snow griffin, and a few groups have undertaken the challenge, but there are no serious contenders yet. And the snow keeps falling!
Pictures can be found here . Enjoy!!

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